6 minutes
Vidar - payload inspection with static analysis
Behind this post
Through this blogpost I’m going to talk about one of the latest Vidar samples that I had a chance to analyze. The payload is actually part of a campaign delivered in July 2023 using PEC mails and this analysis comes from a post related to Cert-Agid in the same period. Even if the payload seems to be out of time, it’s still a valid example for further analysis of more recents ones.
The purpose of this article is to give an overview of Vidar, helping people that are tracking this threat to properly deal with it. Moreover, it is also an excuse to tweak a little bit with IDA to show a possible solution related to common issues when we are dealing with highly obfuscated malware.
Static Analysis
Opening up the Vidar sample with IDA, it’s immediately clear that it contains few obfuscated strings and garbage code that prevents analysts from directly examining the sample. More precisely, it has been possible to discover three functions, analyzed in this blogpost, that are in charge of:
- Detecting VMs execution;
- Detecting “default settings”;
- Decrypting Strings.
Figure 1 - Vidar main function with garbage code
Anti-Analysis implementation
In this sample, there are three main functions that are in charge of performing anti-analysis checks.
The first one is implemented through the function VirtualAllocExNuma that checks if the sample is running on a system with one or more physical CPU:
Figure 2 - Call to VirtualAllocExNuma for physical CPU controls.
Another techniques that prevent payload execution is related to the number of processors available on the machine that are required to be at least 2:
Figure 3 - Call to GetSystemInfo for Processors’s checks
The last checks that have been identified are related to the Username and Computer Name that is currently used. In particular there are two matches that verify if the username corresponds to John Doe and then the ComputerName is equal to HAL9TH.
It turns out that Microsoft Defender’s Sandbox computername is HAL9TH, so, you can check for the computer name in your malware before detonation, if the name matches HAL9TH, it means you’re inside defender’s sandbox, so you can make your program exit.
Figure 4 - Checking for “specific settings”
If one of those checks fails, the payload will call the function ExitProcess(0) terminating its execution.
Decryption routine
As already mentioned, Vidar payload contains few encrypted strings to slow down the analysis and probably to evade few monitoring solutions. Because of that, there is a function that is in charge to retrieve the plaintext associated with each encrypted string.
Figure 5 - Encrypted Strings
The function it’s fairly easy to spot especially observing the number of times it will be called and its signature (that recall a quite simple decryption procedure):
- decryption_routine(encrypted_string , key , length)
As expected the decryption routine it’s not so hard to understand, in fact it iterates over the key length and performs an XOR operation between the encrypted_string and key parameters.
Figure 6 - Decryption routine
Figure 7 - String decrypted
It’s worth noting that IDA has few limitations, in fact sometimes it does not perform the proper variable renaming and due to the obfuscation implemented few instructions could be misinterpreted. Because of that an effective method to keep track of decrypted variables is to locate their offset and append a comment.
In that case, we should have a nice reference that could be used later on, to rename the variable accordingly. Keeping that in mind, it’s possible to speed up our analysis by writing an IDA-python script that takes care of those strings.
Fixing Functions
As mentioned above, IDA sometimes could be confused by obfuscation that could lead to mis-interpret instructions or inhibit its ability to recognize a function. In fact, at the end of main there is a jump to a location that is not currently interpreted as a function. However, looking at strings and references to that text section there is clearly an error from the IDA interpreter.
Figure 8 - Mis-intepreted function
To fix that, it’s possible to select the block of code and force IDA to treat that as a function. However, this practice it’s not always painless. In fact, it’s still possible that we could get some issues from IDA that are not capable of interpreting all code correctly. An example is given from the figure below, where we have strings related to JUMPOUT and MEMORY.
Figure 9 - Function interpreted as data
This issue could be solved easily by fixing the byte related to the JUMPOUT instruction, however, in order to avoid losing focus on our main tasks, this issue will probably be discussed in a dedicated thread.
Nevertheless, we have now all pieces to complete our static analysis and go deep in all malicious activities related to this malware.
Additional Analysis
String decryption was an effective method to extract IOCs from this Vidar sample. Examinig those strings we could see that, as expected, it works as an InfoStealer querying browser information (credentials on local storage) and multiple installed programs. At the time of writing, it supports most of the main used browsers, such as: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Tor, etc.
Another interesting feature is related to the chrome extension checks feature, that aims to verify if specific extensions are actually installed. Mainly monitored extensions are related to crypto wallets and password managers.
Figure 10 - Monitored chrome extensions
Network Communication
According to the examined functions related to the network communication, it is possible to recreate the POST request structure that could be monitored and used as an indicator of compromise of this actor:
- Content Disposition: form-data; name=<Vidar_parameter>
It’s worth mentioning that parameters observed are:
- ID for BOT identification;
- HWID that uniquely identifies a machine (used for monitoring multiple infection from the same machine, indicating an analyzing attempts from researcher);
- Token: Exfiltrated token available on the victim’ machine;
- File: An archive of all information gathered from the victim’s machine.
Figure 11 - POST request structure
- 556f8b06b92ddbc4008dea5298eab3934c61647a1cd7333a9087c37cc5a75456 (SHA256)MalwareBazaar
Ida-python scrypt:
- ida_vidar_string_decrypt.py Microsoft Defender’s Sandbox:
- BlackHat 2018 detailed analysis
Network indicators
- https://t.]me/game4serv
- https://steamcommunity.]com/profiles/76561199523054520
- http://bigsnowstone.]com/
Browsers Browser Extensions - Wallets Authenticator/Password Manager Desktop Programs Mozilla Firefox TronLink Authenticator LevelDB Pale Moon Meta Authy Thunderbird Google Chrome BinanceChainWallet EOS Authenticator Telegram Chromium Yoroi GAuth Authenticator WinSCP Amigo NiftyWallet IndexedDB Torch MathWallet Steam Comodo Dragon Coinbase Jaxx_Desktop Epic Privacy Browser Guarda Binance Desktop Vivaldi EQUALWallet Bitcoin Core CocCoc JaxxLiberty Bitcoin Core Old Cent Browser BitAppWallet Raven Core TorBro Browser iWallet Ledger Live Chedot Browser Wombat Blockstream Brave_Old MewCx 7Star GuildWallet Microsoft Edge RoninWallet 360 Browser NeoLine QQBrowser CloverWallet Opera LiqualityWallet OperaGX Terra_Station CryptoTab Browser Keplr Brave Sollet AuroWallet PolymeshWallet ICONex Harmony EVER Wallet KardiaChain Trezor Password Manager Rabby Phantom BraveWallet PaliWallet BoltX Xdefi Nami MaiarDeFiWallet WavesKeeper Solflare CyanoWallet KHC TezBox Temple Goby RoninWalletEdge Wasabi Wallet Daedalus Mainnet
1138 Words
2023-10-25 02:00